She still remembered clearly that year when they had just met, both were just rookies in the soul master world. 。Back then, he had once made a vow before her, swearing to become the strongest person in the world. 。It was because she liked his boldness that the two of them finally got together. 。>Compared to today, nearly a hundred years have passed, she felt as if she saw him again. 。This feeling is indescribable, as if in this moment, they have all become young again. 。"Nightmoon, I'll leave first. " 。Let's meet in the north. Before you see me, you mustn't take any risks. 。Promise mef the Guanglong dagger was inferior to the Dark Demon Scythe to begin with, and coupled with the disparity in their cultivation levels, the clash seemed to have predetermined its outcome from the very...